There’s nothing better than being Shelburne Museum’s resident duck. I enjoy flying around the grounds and learning about new objects. Of course, I'm wild about bird-related pieces! Would you care to explore the grounds with me and see if we can find some bird artwork?
Doesn’t this eagle look fearsome? He is one of two stone eagles guarding the entrance to Stagecoach Inn. Can you find any other eagles inside the building?
While looking for other eagles inside Stagecoach Inn, you might notice this huge wooden robin! Can you believe it was once a figurehead attached to a mighty ship? What other animals can you spot in this picture?
Gobble Gobble! What kind of bird is this big guy? Need a closer look? You can find him hanging above one of the great doors of the Horseshoe Barn. At Dorset House, you can find Shelburne Museum's huge collection of decoys, or painted wood carvings of birds and fish. It's amazing how real they look! Be sure to head to Dorset House on your next visit to check out my Dive In game called "The Decoy Dilemma!"

I'm sure you have already noticed these two birds carved into the two carousel benches. Did you catch that the brown eagle has a shiny gold eye? On the other bench, it looks like the boy is stepping on the goose's foot. Ouch! What do you think the boy is saying to the goose?
There are so many animals to be seen at the Circus Building! My favorite is this carousel rounding board of a White Swan, which was used to decorate one of the great Dentzel Carousels! This swan looks so peaceful - he almost looks like he is fanning himself at Shelburne Museum's duck pond.
Would you like to help me continue the search for more great birds of Shelburne Museum? On your next visit, snap a picture of a bird you find (be it either part of the collection or a real bird visiting the grounds!). Send me a photo and a description of your find to for a chance to see your submission on my blog!
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